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Session 5: Transformational Lessons with Trudacot

Welcome to the final session of Tech Discovery! I hope that you have learned some useful tools and techniques to help you integrate technology into your lessons in a meaningful way.

Today we will focus on putting into practice some of the things we have learned by using the TRUDACOT framework to transform one of your existing lesson plans.


You will get into groups of 2 or 3. In your groups, you will take turns sharing your lesson and brainstorming ways to re-design the lesson focusing on one or two sections of the trudacot framework. Spend 15-20 minutes working on each person's lesson plan. Each person will follow this procedure:

1. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes depending on how many people are in your group.

2. Give a little background information about your lesson. What is the topic? What do you expect students to know, understand, and be able to do? How have you taught this lesson in the past?

3. What area(s) of the trudacot do you want to focus on? Limit it to no more than two areas.

4. As a group answer the trudacot questions for the lesson.

5. Brainstorm together ways that you could re-design the lesson to transform the chosen areas of the trudacot. Don't worry if you don't have a specific tech tool in mind to achieve your goals. We can find the right tool once you know what you want to achieve.

6. Pick someone in the group to record this information using this Google Form.

7. When time is up, move to the next person in the group and repeat the process.

Helpful Resources:


Assignment 1:

  • Implement your re-designed lesson with your students.

  • Write a blog post about your experience that answers the following:

  • Reflect on the process of using trudacot for lesson re-design.

  • How effective was the process? Did it make you think differently about your lesson?

  • Tell about how the lesson went when you implemented it with your students.

  • What worked well? What would you change?

  • How have your feelings about instructional technology changed as a result of this course? Have you had any "aha moments" that you would like to share?

Assignment 2:

Complete the course evaluation by clicking here. This is my first time teaching a course to adults, so I value your honest feedback so I can improve on my own practice next time.

All homework is due by April 30, 2015


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