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Session 4: Thinking Purposefully About Technology Integration

Activity 1: Speed Dating

  • Partner A: share for 1 minute about how you used technology to enhance collaboration OR one technology success you have had this semester.

  • Partner B: share for 1 minute about the same topic.

  • "B Group" sifts one place to the left and the process repeats with a new partner.

Activity 2: Scott McLeod TEDx - Extracurricular Empowerment

School Engagement cliff.JPG

Essential Question: How can we provide students with rich, meaningful activities that help us to "get out of their way & let them be amazing?" within the current contsraints of our educational system (i.e. - curriculum standards, standardized testing, etc.)

Three Big Shifts...

3bigshifts - Scott McCleod.png

Activity 3: Mystery Skype

  1. What do we like about this lesson?

  2. What questions or concerns do we have?

Activity 4: Introducing TRUDACOT

TRUDACOT (Technology-Rich Unit Design and Classroom Observation Template) is a tool developed by Scott McLeod & Julie Graber, for lesson re-design that focuses on a specific purpose for integrating technology.

Click here to view TRUDACOT.

Directions (Part 1): Personalization & Agency

  1. Go through sections A & B of the TRUDACOT for the video we just watched.

  2. With your partner, pick 2 bullet points and re-design them. For now, don't worry if you have a specific technology tool in mind for your purpose. Remember, once you have your desired outcome in mind, you can always find the right tool. This website of Tools by Function may be a helpful resource when you get to that point.

Directions (Part 2): Communication & Collaboration

  1. Go through sections C & D of the TRUDACOT for the video we just watched.

  2. With your partner, pick 1 or 2 bullet points and re-design them.

Homework Assignment 1 - Prepare for Session 5

Select a lesson you want to re-design using TRUDACOT during our next session. Pick a "purpose" (section of TRUDACOT framework) that you want to focus on. Come to the next session prepared to re-design the lesson.

Homework Assignment 2 - Blog Entry

  1. Share your thoughts and feelings about "Extracurricular Empowerment" and the idea that schools are designed in a way to leads to disengagement.

  2. What can you do right now, that would lead to greater engagement, student agency, and problem solving?

  3. How do you see TRUDACOT being able to help with this process?

Due: March 9, 2015

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